
聖地門 紅寶石波特酒

  • 聖地門 紅寶石波特酒
聖地門 紅寶石波特酒
Sandeman Fine Ruby Port

Sandeman Porto Fine Ruby 起源於 1790 年由 George Sandeman 最初運送的熾熱的紅寶石波特酒,傳統上仍然保持濃郁而濃郁,但具有特殊深度的風味和精緻,通過熟練地混合 Sandeman 的大型和各種庫存。

Descended from the fiery ruby Port Wines originally shipped by George Sandeman in 1790, Sandeman Porto Fine Ruby is still made traditionally to be rich and robust yet with a special depth of flavour and the finesse, achieved by expertly blending wines from Sandeman´s large and varied stock.

Tasting Notes

Brilliant red ruby in colour, with clean aromas of red fruits, plums and strawberries, Sandeman Porto Fine Ruby has full rich flavours and is very well balanced. Rich, round, balanced in the mouth, with overt flavours of fresh plums and red fruits.




Sandeman Porto Fine Ruby 可直接飲用,無需醒酒 

在14°C.16°C 之間飲用。

打開後,應在 4週内食用完。


Sandeman Porto Fime Ruby 傳統上搭配風味濃郁的奶油奶





桑德曼酒莊由喬治·桑德曼(George Sandeman)於1790年創立,喬治·桑德曼(George Sandeman)最初在倫敦出售波特酒和雪麗酒,然後於1811年移居葡萄牙。19世紀末,桑德曼在西班牙收購了雪利酒酒廠,此後開始生產一系列雪利酒。今天,這所酒莊由第七代喬治·桑德曼(George Sandeman)經營,他在加入公司之前曾在波爾圖和赫雷斯工作。




Brothers George and David Sandeman from Perth founded the company in 1790 with £300.

David left the company in 1798 to found the Commercial Bank of Scotland leaving George in sole charge.

Initially passed to his nephew, George Glas Sandeman, Sandeman remained a family business until bought out by the drinks company Seagram in 1979. In 2001 the operation was sold to Sogrape by Diageo and Pernod Ricard who had acquired it from Seagram. A descendant, George Thomas David Sandeman is a member of the board of Sogrape Vinhos S.A.




Sandman Porto Fine Ruby is produced by the traditionalPorto Wine method. The hand-picked grapes undergostalk-removal and crushing before fermentation, undercontrolled temperature, with skin maceration so as toextract the best components. The addition of wine alcoholat the ideal moment sets the balance between the wine'sbody and bouquet.



After the harvest, the wines remain in the Douro until thefollowing Spring. On this time of the year, the wines aretransported to Vila Nova de Gaia to the Sandemanlodges. There, this fine wine will age in oak casks.Throughout the years the wines are carefully tasted andanalysed by the oenology team who also makes allnecessary corrections and prepares the final blend so asto keep Sandman Porto Fine Ruby's style and character. 


The bottle should be kept in a vertical position, protectedfrom light and humidity, at a constant temperaturebetween 16°C-18°C.

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