
櫻尾 限定琴酒

  • 櫻尾限定琴酒 LIMITED
  • 櫻尾限定琴酒 LIMITED

櫻尾限定琴酒 LIMITED

Sakurao Limited Gin

以櫻尾SAKURAO GIN ORIGINAL為基礎製作的限定版琴酒,使用17種日本當地原料,分別以浸泡、蒸氣方式萃取香氣。



得獎紀錄 :2018 英國IWSC 『特金賞GOLD OUTSTANDING』   

櫻尾基本款琴酒使用九種採集自廣島的原料,夏蜜柑(Sweet Summer Orange,又稱為日向夏)、酸橙(Daidai, Bitter Orange)、檜木、柚子、檸檬、紅紫蘇、綠茶、臍橙(Navel Orange)、薑,以及進口自國外的杜松子、歐白芷、芫荽籽、鳶尾根、櫻花等五種原料一同蒸餾,蒸餾後約80﹪ABV的琴酒原酒僅加水稀釋至47﹪ABV,靜置一至兩天後裝瓶。櫻尾限量版琴酒則在基本款琴酒九種採集自廣島的原料之外再添加櫻花、日本杜松子、烏樟、山椒芽、牡蠣殼、山葵、杜松子枝葉、綠紫蘇(大葉),裝瓶濃度為47﹪ABV;花香、柑橘調性以外還有著絲毫鮮味。


Sakurao Gin Limited recipe consists of 17 botanicals such as juniper berry, coriander seeds and cherry blossoms, but also lime, yuzu, bitter orange, summer orange, sweet orange, Hinoki cypress peel, green tea, red shiso, green shiso, pepper leaves, ginger, or wasabi root and oyster shells.

All the ingredients are exclusively harvested in the Hiroshima region to be delicately infused in order to extract the finest aromas, the resulting liquid is then distilled in small batches. But the peculiarity of this gin comes from its still production allowing two different methods; the addition of botanicals in neutral alcohol to be distilled and the maceration of botanicals in alcohol which has been continuously distilled.

The result is very attractive with a delicate nose lime and green tea flavor, then on the palate full of complexity with spicy aromas of wasabi and juniper berries to finish in a persistent finish with accents of orange marmalade.


櫻尾蒸餾所 Sakurao Brewery & Distillery

成立於廣島廿日市市(はつかいちし,Hatsukaichi)的中國釀造(Chugoku Jozo)從1918年十月開始製作燒酎,1963年之後加入清酒、梅酒等產品線;並且自蘇格蘭購買麥芽原酒調和加拿大穀物原酒後桶陳於自家清酒廠與JR鐵路隧道內,再進行勾兌裝瓶推出「戶河內(Togouchi)」系列威士忌。然而生產自家真正的日本威士忌,一直是第五代社長白井浩一郎的目標;早從2015年十一月便籌備計劃新酒廠。


2017年底正式成立櫻尾蒸餾廠,設置容量一千五百公升的德國阿諾德.荷斯坦蒸餾器(Arnold Holstein Still)用以製作琴酒與威士忌;首席蒸餾師山本泰平甚至遠赴歐洲與美國各酒廠瞭解學習。適逢建廠百年紀念,2018年三月同時推出櫻尾基本款琴酒與櫻尾限量版琴酒兩款琴酒;以糖蜜中性基酒為基底,稀釋至65﹪ABV後將部份素材浸泡一日到一週不等再進行蒸餾,同時也運用原料籃蒸氣萃取方式(Vapour Infusion)取得香氣。

位於櫻尾蒸餾所內的 Hybrid 蒸餾器來自德國進口,擁有高效率等特色,在酒廠內扮演生產威士忌、琴酒要角。

The Production Of Hiroshima’s One-and-only Craft Gin.

You can take a tour of the stills for our purely Japanese craft gin that uses ingredients from Hiroshima, such as lemon and other citrus, oyster shells, as well as cherry blossoms, and is created using a combination of traditional, steeping and vapor methods.


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