假期邊塞 酒肉朋友 黑拉格
Breakside Low Places Dark Lager
這支深色拉格是假期邊塞向德州經典啤酒Shiner Bock的致敬,酒肉朋友是一支琥珀色的拉格,帶著淡淡的焦糖與可可風味,適飲性非常高。
啤酒花苦度:18 IBU
風格:Dark Lager

Lagerbier! We’ve long enjoyed making lagers here at Breakside. Whether it be our Pilsner, or one of the many award-winning lagers that we brew at our pubs, these beers are universally loved by our brewers, and for good reason: they are refreshing, smooth, drinkable, clean, and complex. We’re excited to see that our customers are enjoying these styles more and more each year. Yes, we do believe that craft lager is finally ready to have a moment!
For the next release in our series of rotating lagers, we head south to Texas, home to some of the best lager breweries in the world. Low Places is our homage to Shiner Bock– the unflaggingly popular and peculiar amber lager that won over the hearts of Texans. This is an idiosyncratic amber beer, low alcohol and sessionable, with a light tough of caramel and cocoa.
It’s lower octane than most American amber lagers and a little hoppier than most American dark lagers. This beer doesn’t fall into any particular category or style, but seriously, don’t think too hard about this one. It’s meant to lubricate the conversation, not be the focus of it. We think you’ll find that Low Places strikes the perfect balance of satiating and refreshing, ideal for lifting your spirits through a rainy PNW winter.
假期邊塞 Breakside Brewery

#Breakside #假期邊塞 #啤酒 #美國啤酒 #假期邊塞 酒肉朋友 黑拉格(24入) #Breakside Low Places Dark Lager #假期邊塞 酒肉朋友 黑拉格