
愛侶園酒莊 ⾺爾堡灰⽪諾 有機單⼀園⽩葡萄酒

  • 愛侶園酒莊 ⾺爾堡灰⽪諾 有機單⼀園⽩葡萄酒

愛侶園酒莊 ⾺爾堡灰⽪諾 有機單⼀園⽩葡萄酒

Loveblock Marlborough Dry Pinot Gris


In making a dry style of Pinot Gris, we have to manage the vine to give physiological ripeness at low Brix, so that the wine is not overly alcoholic. Organic management does this for us, with the competition from the wild flowers and grasses forcing the vine to struggle. Beautiful prosciutto-wrapped melon, Nashi pear and fruit notes are underscored with lingering texture, mouthfeel and linear acidity. The palate is complex, finishing with hints of wet stone minerality. Organic, vegan friendly and from a single vineyard. Grown with love, made with care.

A wine to enjoy with delicate Asian flavours, seafood of all sorts or just simply by itself.

1 - Tasting Notes

  • Colour: Pale with golden touches.

  • Aroma: Elegant aromas of rockmelon yield to layers of chamomile and citrus.

  • Palate: Beautiful prosciutto-wrapped melon, Nashi pear and fruit notes are underscored with lingering texture, mouthfeel and linear acidity. The palate is complex, finishing with hints of wet stone minerality.

  • Cellar: Up to 10 years.

2 - Vineyard Notes

The grapes come from our family-owned Loveblock Farm in Lower Dashwood and were sourced entirely from our certified-organic Triangle vineyard. Here on the valley floor, the vineyard soils are aged alluvial loams containing some silt loam over stone. Organic management decreases the vigour of the vines, reducing berry size and hence overall yields. The grapes were harvested in late March yielding nine tonnes per hectare.

3 - Vinification

In making a dry style of Pinot Gris, we have to manage the vine to give physiological ripeness at low Brix, so that the wine is not overly alcoholic. Organic management does this for us, with the competition from the wild flowers and grasses forcing the vine to struggle. Once the grapes were deemed ripe, the fruit was machine harvested and membrane pressed immediately (no preservatives were added in the field to reduce the grape phenolics). The juice was then floated and inoculated with certified organic Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast in stainless steel tank. At 8 Brix, 10% of the juice was fermented in neutral French oak barrels and another 10% was transferred to a concrete egg for fermentation. These portions underwent malolactic fermentation to add complexity and mouthfeel to the finished wine. The wine was stabilised and bottled in October 2021.

愛侶園酒莊 Loveblock





全球知名的紐西蘭葡萄酒代表品牌-金卡佛酒莊 (Kim Krawford ),其創建莊主金.卡佛(Kim Kravford)本人於2007年將酒莊賣給大集園Constellation經嘗,並全面退出釀酒和經營事宜,如今金卡佛酒莊僅剩名宇輿莊主有所關聯。

2004年,金的夫人艾瑞卡•卡佛(Erica Ktawford)本著對紐西蘭風土的鍾愛之情,以(Marlborough)和中奥塔哥(Central Otago) 兩個產區為基地創建了愛侶園酒莊(Iovebiock ),並大筆投資在永續農法奥有機耕種。而卸下名莊光環的金,則擔任愛侶園的釀酒師,割捨從前商業化的釀酒模式,改為釀造心目中所嚮往的自然葡萄酒,且價位親民,期望所有萄酒的愛好者不再受限於價格與美酒相互牽制的框架,而都能品嘗到自己的作品。

割售商業酒莊 成就真心葡萄酒



愛侶園酒莊採取全面永續農法,葡萄酒皆為素食友善(Vegan friendly),且使用最少量人工或化學的干預,二氧化硫的使用量更是一半葡萄酒的一半以下。


真正的強者,無論到哪仍是強者,金卡佛所釀造的白蘇維澧( Sauvignon Blanc)白酒不止一次人選 《 Wine Spectator》百大葡萄酒,而愛侶園唯一的一款黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)紅酒,於2019年榮獲百評選第46名,受到全球葡萄酒達人追捧,為少數能同時釀造頂尖紅白葡萄酒的釀酒師。

Our Story


For us,it’s nevera sacrificeon wine quality– it’s an exploration of taste.


We follow our deeply held belief in low intervention, sustainable farming which permits the wine to show its true and naked terroir. Even if you’re unmoved by what goes into a glass, relish the unbridled flavours and aromas. It’s exciting to produce wines of this quality uninterrupted by pressures of conformity but expressive of the nature and the grape and the craft of the winemaker. We’ve always been unconventional. And sometimes, it’s what’s not in our wine glass that makes it so good. Enjoy. Erica and Kim Crawford. Viticulturist. Winemaker. Farmers. Innovators.

Meet Erica


The organic winemaking philosophy was anchored when life forced me to carefully and progressively examine the chemical nature of my immediate environment.

.I slowly started eliminating additives, colorants and stimulants from my diet and life. The effect was cumulative and I gradually embraced Organics. 

As we converted the sheep paddock to vineyard, we took the decision to tackle Organics, a cause that is deeply personal for me.


We’ve learnt so much through this process; most importantly, that the rhythm of the seasons and land demands submission. The results of our labour stem from the what the land provides.

It is really exciting to be back making wine and tasting all the flavours we’re producing. I simply love the wine industry – it’s unique, it’s invigorating, it’s an integral part of my life.

A little about my past… I’m a graduate of the University of Cape Town, started life as an aspirational medical scientist and then progressed to the pharmaceutical industry where I cut my teeth on business principles. I made New Zealand home after marrying the fantastic Kim. We have two wonderful children, Rory and Pia.

For nine years, Kim and I founded and grew a gloriously successful wine brand and then sold that business. Loveblock heralds our return to the wine industry. We’re back.

I’m an active member of the Global Women NZ Advisory Board, an organization which works to expand the influence of women and helps to shape and mentor emerging leaders. I also hold a number of directorships, both in the wine industry and in other business sectors.

Meet Kim


I’m from a Waikato farming family. I grew up with a real love of the land, our stock and our people. It’s a great way of life in New Zealand – it instils respect for the environment, and a knowledge that greater things can be achieved with a close family team around you.

It certainly prepared me for the challenge of Loveblock – Erica and I purchase what was a rugged piece Marlborough land in 2006 – and we set about taming it in to a sustainable farm and vineyard.

With a higher altitude, north facing slopes and arid conditions atop alluvial soils, I knew this large farm had the potential to produce distinct and intense flavours.

I’m the other half of Loveblock. I’m the winemaker. I’ve being mastering winemaking some 30 years and couldn’t be prouder of the result.


My fundamental approach with winemaking is not to bend produce to a preconceived shape but to breathe life into what I’m provided. I am just fortunate that we’re in a position to nurture and develop great wine from an amazing environment. I’m doing what I love.

I trained at New Zealand’s Massey University and went on to specialise in Oenology (the science and study of wine and winemaking) at South Australia’s Roseworthy College.

My first jobs included assisting with vintages at Arrowfield in NSW’s Hunter Valley, Stags Leap Winery in Napa Valley (where I learnt a lot about coffee) and Backsberg Estate in South Africa – you guessed it; that’s where I met Erica.

I returned to New Zealand in 1988 and honed my winemaking skills at Coopers Creek Vineyard for some 10 years. For the following nine years, Erica and I forged a wine brand we grew very proud of. Following its global success we sold to an international liquor company. Loveblock heralds our belated but welcome return to the wine industry.

If you know me, I’m not won to shout about our successes – I’m grateful for our success and humbled by the accolades bestowed on us – we’ve produced many Spectator Top 100 wines and won umpteen trophies and medals – trademark constraints prevent me from listing them.

Aside from the wine that engrosses my life, I absolutely love hunting and hunting – if you ever in my neck of the woods you should join me!

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